Statement from the chairman
The impact of coronavirus on our everyday lives has become even greater and real. I know how difficult it has been for many young people, their families and loved ones. My first thoughts are for your wellbeing and that of your loved ones. I’d also like to share my appreciation for the efforts of our staff and volunteers for the amazing job you are doing in such difficult circumstances, to support the vulnerable and most needy in the community.
Understandably, our service users and our staff are worried about the general economic outlook, their own personal safety and health. The challenge we face is real but there’s a lot we can do to help each other. I want to reassure you all that we’re making changes and adjustments to what we’re doing based on what you have been telling us.
We are trying our level best to review the way we work, including how to help our members/service users and staff to overcome this difficult period. To this regard, we have allowed non-essential staff to work from home and we are introducing new remote, online and distance services and activities for our staff and users.
In response to the covid-19 pandemic we have introduced new programmes and are involved in new activities as set out below:
- Rapid Covid-19 Response Team
- Emergency Assistance (EA) programme.
- Emergency Community Response to Coronavirus
As we continue to adapt to this challenge, I’d like to ask for your help, please only call us if you have an immediate urgent need that can’t wait. With fewer of us to answer your calls, and an unprecedented increase in demand for our work, we want to be able to help those who need it most and urgently. As the situation evolves, we’ll be in touch directly with each one of you with further updates.
Chair-Trustee Board.
17th April 2020